THE SATELLITE-ONLY GRAVITY FIELD MODEL GOCO05s ============================================== GOCO (Gravity Observation Combination) is a project initiative in the frame of ESA's GOCE Data AO (project no. 4248), with the objective to compute high-accuracy and high-resolution static global gravity field models. (Contact: R. Pail, Homepage: Contributing institutions: * TU München, Institute of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy * Univ. Bonn, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation * TU Graz, Institute of Theoretical and Satellite Geodesy * Austrian Academy of Sciences, Space Research Institute * Univ. Bern, Astronomical Institute Reference - methodology: Pail R., et al. (2010): Combined satellite gravity field model GOCO01S derived from GOCE and GRACE, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L20314, doi:10.1029/2010GL044906. Reference - GOCO05S: Mayer-Gürr T., et al. (2015): The combined satellite gravity field model GOCO05s. Presentation at EGU 2015, Vienna, April 2015. Files ===== - GOCO05s.gfc : Full model with static, trend, and annual signal - GOCO05s.static.gfc : static coefficients only - GOCO05s.static.unregularized.gfc : static coefficients only, Kaula regularization not applied - GOCO05s.trend.gfc : linear trend coefficients only - GOCO05s.SA.cos.gfc : annual (cos) coefficients only - GOCO05s.SA.sin.gfc : annual (sin) coefficients only - covariance/ : variance-covariance matrix of the static part - covariance.unregularized : variance-covariance matrix of the static.unregularized part GOCO05s variance-covariance matrix of the static part ===================================================== The coefficients are ordered by degree, within each degree they are sorted by order with c_nm and s_nm alternating: c20, c21, s21, c22, s22, c30, c31, ... The upper triangle of their covariance matrix is partitioned into blocks of size 2048x2048 in the following way: ------------------------------------------------------------ | *.00-00 | *.00-01 | *.00-02 | *.00-03 | ... | *.00-38 | | | *.01-01 | *.01-02 | *.01-03 | ... | *.01-38 | | | | *.02-02 | *.02-03 | ... | *.02-38 | | | | | *.03-03 | ... | *.03-38 | | | | | | ... | ... | | | | | | | *.38-38 | ------------------------------------------------------------ Each block is stored as ASCII-File using the file format described in detail in the next chapter. Matrix Block Format Description =============================== Line 0: file format descriptor Line 1: ( x ) Type and size of stored matrix Values of : - Matrix (general rectangular matrix) - UpperSymmetricMatrix (upper triangle of symmetric matrix) Line 2 - Line 2+nrows: Matrix elements as whitespace separated floating point values. Type Matrix storage format: ------------------------------------------- | a_00 | a_01 | a_02 | a_03 | a_04 | a_05 | ------------------------------------------- | a_11 | a_11 | a_12 | a_13 | a_14 | a_15 | ------------------------------------------- | a_22 | a_21 | a_22 | a_23 | a_24 | a_25 | ------------------------------------------- | a_33 | a_31 | a_32 | a_33 | a_34 | a_35 | ------------------------------------------- Type UpperSymmetrixMatrix storage format (only upper triangle is stored): ------------------------------------------- | a_00 | a_01 | a_02 | a_03 | a_04 | a_05 | ------------------------------------------- | | a_11 | a_12 | a_13 | a_14 | a_15 | ------------------------------------------- | | | a_22 | a_23 | a_24 | a_25 | ------------------------------------------- | | | | a_33 | a_34 | a_35 | ------------------------------------------- | | | | | a_44 | a_45 | ------------------------------------------- | | | | | | a_55 | -------------------------------------------