Conversion of 01tideList.txt -------------- Adjust the list to the provided constituents of the ocean tidal atlas. The file should also include the equillibrium tides. icgemHeader.txt --------------- Comments which are included in the generated .gfc files. 010groopsConvert.xml -------------------- LoopPrograms ncdump -h GriddedDataConcatenate: - Removes the dupliacte north/south pole value - Removes possible duplicate values at 360 longitude GriddedDataCalculate: - NaN should be set to zero - The output should be a grid file with two data columns (value) for cos/inphase and sin/quadrature with the water heights in [m] GriddedData2PotentialCoefficients: - The area element is used as weights in the least squares adjustment - Single large tidal heights (e.g. at coast) can cause ringing effects and therefore used with zero weight (abs(data) > outlier). GroupPrograms: equillibriumTide - Generates equillibriumTides for the constituents in global/loopEquilibriumTides (OM1, OM2, SA, SSA) (overwrites possible existing model constituents)